Wicked (2024) is the highly anticipated film adaptation of the iconic Broadway musical that reimagines the world of The Wizard of Oz, directed by Jon M. Chu. After captivating audiences on stage for over two decades, Wicked brings its magical story to the big screen, delivering a stunning and emotional cinematic experience. The film is the first of a two-part event, introducing viewers to the untold story of the witches of Oz.
The story follows the unlikely friendship between two young women who will eventually grow up to become Glinda the Good (Ariana Grande) and the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba (Cynthia Erivo). Set before Dorothy ever arrives in Oz, the film delves into how these two women, with opposing personalities, backgrounds, and ideologies, met as schoolmates at Shiz University and how their bond evolved, only to be torn apart by the politics, power, and social expectations of their world.
Elphaba, born with green skin and ostracized by society for her appearance, has a powerful, innate magical ability. She is smart, passionate, and misunderstood, always fighting for justice and fairness, but her strong sense of morality sets her at odds with the corrupt forces that govern Oz. Meanwhile, Glinda, charming, ambitious, and glamorous, enjoys popularity but lacks the depth of character Elphaba possesses. Despite their differences, the two forge a deep friendship.
As they grow closer, the looming shadow of the Wizard (played by Jonathan Bailey), a figure who rules Oz with charm and manipulation, changes the course of their lives. Elphaba’s journey leads her to question the true nature of power and authority, while Glinda learns hard lessons about friendship, loyalty, and her role in the broader societal conflicts.
The film explores themes of identity, prejudice, ambition, and the complexity of good versus evil, revealing that things are not always as they seem. Through Elphaba’s journey, viewers see how the line between hero and villain can blur, challenging the long-standing narrative of the Wicked Witch of the West as purely evil.
With breathtaking visuals, spectacular musical numbers, and powerful performances by Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande, Wicked captures the heart and magic of the original stage production, while also expanding upon it to create an epic fantasy world on screen. Classic songs such as "Defying Gravity" and "For Good" bring emotional depth to the characters' internal struggles and relationships, while dazzling visual effects and immersive world-building bring the Land of Oz to life like never before.
As the first of two parts, the 2024 installment of Wicked sets the stage for an epic conclusion, leaving audiences eager for the continuation of Elphaba and Glinda's intertwined destinies and the eventual rise of the Wicked Witch of the West.
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