Jaws 3-D

Jaws 3-D Full Movie

In the depths of SeaWorld's aquatic kingdom, a monstrous slumber broke. A leviathan shark, towering at thirty-five feet, found itself confined within the echoing walls of the theme park. Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting visitors, a primal threat lurked beneath the glistening surface. The sons of the legendary police chief Brody, scarred by their father's fateful encounter, were called upon to face the ultimate test of courage. With every passing hour, the shark's hunger grew insatiable, its massive jaws slicing through water and hope alike. The Brody legacy was on the line, as they navigated a labyrinth of terror to save the lives that hung in the balance. In a clash of wills and survival instincts, the hunters became the hunted, as the ancient predator sought revenge on the descendants of its nemesis. Would the Brodys once again triumph over the jaws of death, or would SeaWorld become an underwater burial ground?

  • Trailer: Watch Trailer now
  • Length: 139 min
  • Category:
  • Directors: Unknown
  • Writers: Unknown
  • Stars: Unknown
  • Awards: None
  • Country: GLOBAL

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