Judgment at Nuremberg

Judgment at Nuremberg Full Movie

Step into the shadows of history with this gripping portrayal of the 1947 Judges' Trial in Nuremberg, a poignant chapter in the aftermath of World War II. Witness the intense courtroom drama where former Nazi judges, once dispensers of harsh verdicts, now stand as defendants. Their fates hang by the thread of justice in a trial conducted by the very nation they once fought against. This film meticulously reimagines the moral dilemmas and legal battles that punctuated one of the twelve monumental trials of Nazi war criminals by American forces. Step back in time and experience the tension and the pursuit of justice in a ravaged Germany.

  • Trailer: Watch Trailer now
  • Length: 259 min
  • Category:
  • Directors: Unknown
  • Writers: Unknown
  • Stars: Unknown
  • Awards: None
  • Country: GLOBAL

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